
We are so excited to share that as of June 2022, Kcines is officially a part of Richards Graphic Communications! George Senick has led the company in the Business Forms and Labels Industry for the past 40 years and is a longtime friend of Kevin Richards.

We are confident it will be a seamless integration into the company, are excited for the opportunity to continue the relationship with his clients and offer Kcines’ additional expertise in forms and labels to ours! Richards is stronger than ever, we are continuously looking to grow and are excited about the future!

“I am so grateful for the years of service that I have had in this industry. Having known members of the Richards family for many years, I am thrilled that they will be continuing the Kcines legacy. Please be confident that I will be assisting the team with this transition. Moving forward, Richards will be a valuable asset to your company.” - George Senick

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